Growing Minds
Children aged 0-5
The Growing Minds project is delivered in partnership with The Berin Centre, Peeple and Home-Start Oxford. Our aim is to help children in Berinsfield and Littlemore to thrive, learn, and to join school feeling ready and prepared to succeed. We do this by offering free books, groups, and support:
Imagination Library
Every child within Berinsfield born on or after the 1st of January 2018 can sign up to receive a free book every month until they turn 5, as part of Dolly Parton’s Imagination Library. These are delivered to you at home, to enjoy together.
Learn together: Outdoor Explorers
Our term time weekly group for parents and their 1-4 year olds to explore how to support their child’s learning and development in outdoor spaces. Tuesdays 10-11:30am. Please contact us to find out more.
Learn Together: Starting School
As part of our summer holiday programme for 2025, our Starting School sessions will be back! In these sessions we will explore how to help and support our children transition into starting school. These sessions are for families with children starting reception in September 2025. Please contact us to find out more.
Family Support
We can provide tailored support to you and your family on a 1:1 basis to develop the confidence and skills to prepare your child for school.
Learn Together: Baby Group
Our term time weekly group for parents and their 0-1 year olds, exploring simple, everyday ways we can help support our babies early learning and development. Tuesdays 1:15-2:15pm- please contact us to find out more.
Want more detail?
Watch our full video above, or read our evaluation summary report.